Automobiles Classiques
Paris - Classic cars
(click here to read more French Press comments)
Specialised magazine RETROVISEUR says that AUTODROME is "the reference for Classic Lamborghini":
RETROVISEUR, one of the most respected classic car magazines, comments on Autodrome-Cannes this month.
Their conclusion, based on Autodrome's experience and trust relationship with clients: "The best classic Lamborghinis always end at Autodrome-Cannes".
The British magazine Classic Cars highlights the Lamborghini Pregunta as one of the 10 best cars at Rétromobile.
Classic Cars ranks the Lamborghini Pregunta displayed by Autodrome as one of the "Top 10 cars" at Retromobile,
with the Ferrari 250 GTO (Nick Mason's Collection) and the Martini Racing Porsche 917 (Porsche Museum).
Sport-Auto, French leading car magazine calls the Zonda F: "ECSTASY"...
In their October 2005 issue, Sport-Auto tests the new Pagani Zonda F, recently presented at the Geneva Motor Show. Based on the new performance of the "F", the conclusion is even more radical than before .. :the grip is judged better than on the Enzo, the sensation of sheer power is above both the Carra GT and the Enzo, and even the brakes are a more recent generation less noisy than the Enzo's...
PAGANI on TV : "TURBO" (French M6 TV channel) with a focus on the Pagani Roadster...
The French TV program, "Turbo", has been organised around the new Pagani dealer that we have established in France, Aux Châteaux du Sud-Ouest situated near Cahors in the Souht-West of France, in a XV th century castle.
If you missed Turbo, you may watch the video of the road test at this address :
"Les Châteaux du Sud-Ouest" have been introduced at the last Paris Motor Show by Autodrome Cannes, as an expansion of their French Pagani network, bulding on six years experience of being the exclusive Pagani Automobili Importer in France.
The French magazine AUTO Hebdo calls the Roadster Zonda "the ultimate bliss"...
The PAGANI ZONDA awarded "Performance Car of the Year" by CAR magazine.
Highly respected leading UK monthly motoring magazine 'Car' has given the thumbs up to the Italian supercar, the Pagani Zonda, after a head to head test with its rivals from Ferrari and Lamborghini. The new Ferrari and the new Lamborghini couldn't beat the Modena-built Pagani Zonda C12. The testers were looking for ultimate supercar performance, thrills and excitement, and picked the Zonda over the famous competitors.
AUTODROME Cannes is proud of having been the first Importer/distributor appointed by PAGANI, back in 1999, when the marque was hardly known. After two years of unanymous acclaim and awards, the extra-terrestrial ZONDA leads the way.
PAGANI AUTOMOBILI "Specialist Manufacturer of the Year" (2002), according to the British magazine AutoCar
"A star is born. Top speed of 220 mph and F1 build quality..." Please click below to read article.
The famous British TV magazine "Top Gear" did an in-depth race track comparison between the Zonda and the Murciélago, the latter being selected as the best available competitor for the Zonda (the Enzo being officially already sold-out, at least to the many Ferrari dealerhips, if not to actual clients).
The journalist compares the Zonda to an F15 figther (same see-through cockpit, same scary engine behind the pilot...but feeling of speed more real on the Zonda !), then asks a racing driver to compare both cars on a 2 mile race track : the Zonda is a breathtaking 6 full seconds faster than the Mucriélago(1: 23 vs. 1: 29 !).
The pure acceleration sequence, Zonda and Lambo side by side, is a amazing to watch. But more importantly it demonstrates how engine torque and low weight are critical for performance : the Murcielago is theoretically more powerful, but its engine torque is by far inferior to the Zonda and the Murc' is 300 kg heavier (alsmost same picture for the Enzo which has 15% less torque and weigh 100 kg more than the Pagani). The result in real-life conditions is amazingly clear: the Pagani Zonda is in another world, more than a hundred feet ahead of the Murcielago...
You may download this video from the website of Polarisfilms (UK).
SportAuto (Germany): a new confirmation of the Pagani Zonda 7.3 leadership.
There are passionate and exciting discussions about the performance of super-cars - we mean the ones actually available, not the prototypes in development stage, non-homologated, and that cannot ensure long term durability.
Road-tests are the "acid-test". SportAuto (Germany) has compared the Pagani Zonda 7.3 litre, to the Lamborghini Murciélago - the Zonda's fastest challenger : results confirm that the legendary Zonda is a "mutant super-car", far beyond the ultra-high end known standards !
Acceleration test, from zero to 200 km/h shows that the Zonda is one and a half faster (!) than the Murcielago. The braking test from 200 km/h to full stop also reveals the superiority of the Pagani - mainly due to its ultra-low weight carbon-fiber chassis.
As a logical consequence, the combined time - 0 to 200km/h to 0 - , is almost two full seconds better for the Zonda (15'9 against 17'8 for the Lamborghini).
To complete the test, SportAuto has driven the two cars on the Nurburgring and Hockenheim race tracks ! Here again, the Pagani is the fastest, actually 3/10 th of a second faster at Hockenheim and et 6 full seconds on the Nurburgring... In effect, the Pagani Zonda how holds the record (fastest lap) for all homologated car on these two tracks.
No comments.
True, the Pagani price list is much higher than the price of a normal car ; but this test show that the Zonda C12S is the reference by which all others cas have now to be evaluated - and this will probably last for a long while.
The French magazine Automobiles Classiques, specialising in sports and classic cars, states that "the Zonda could very well be the best Italian berlinetta"...Nothing less.
In a well documented eight pages-article, Automobiles Classiques has tested the new V12 - 7,3 litres Zonda. The comments are as usual very radical : "in Modena, kingdom of Ferrari, Maserati and Lamborghini, it's the Pampa-born Horacio Pagani who is now the star..."
Other comments : "the thrust, perfectly linear, translates into a hysterical take-off of the tachometer, graduated from 30 to 30 until 390 km/h (240 mph). With 100 Nm less torque, and weighting 400 kg more, the Murciélago cannot follow the frenetical pace of the Pagani".
"The Zonda finds the balance between royal comfort and maximum efficiency ; a quality of construction that tangents perfection, a driving pleasure unique among the current production : Horacio Pagani is some kind of a genius".
Read the article (copyright Automobiles Classiques)
The prestige and high performance magazine EVO, published in English and Italian, has ranked the Pagani Zonda C12S at the top of their "Car of the Year" contest...!
Among the challengers you could count the cream of the cream : Lamborghini Murcièlago, Aston-Martin Vanquish, Porsche RUF Turbo...The January 2002 issue (already available), compares a dozen of exceptional cars. The road tests confirm the choice already made by a handful of ultra-elitist drivers, who demand everything, and beyond, from their car (when you invest that much money, you should be demanding) : the Zonda is simply the best, fastest and most exciting car in the world, full stop...
Coming after many awards and #1 ranking by the international Press the final statement from the performance-fanatical Evo magazine definitely puts the Argentina-born genius Horacio Pagani on a par with Ferruccio Lamborghini and Enzo Ferrari.
Horacio's creation is the top state-of-the-art: power and torque "out-of-this-world", stunningly low weight and rigidity, absolute road-handling and control, conception and craftmanship far beyond the competition...
Let's listen to the Evo test-drivers Team :
..."Intoxicating zero-inertia about 0-125 mp/h (0-200 km/h) in 10 seconds ?"
..."The Zonda is all your supercar fantasies rolled up into one.."
..."So it's the greatest supercar since the Mac Laren, and it wins."
..."Yes it is the most expensive car, but the driving experience is second to none."
.."Simply no better place to be than in the driver's seat of the extraodinary Zonda C12S."
..."There is no doubt. No doubt at all."
What more to say ? Of course, to become the owner of a Zonda you'll need some patience... and be in a position to invest about 40% more than for the Bentley or Aston. But some people do not accept any compromise when it comes to their preferences.
© Evo Publications Ltd.
Sport-Auto (June 2001 issue) , has set-up a road test between a Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, a Ferrari 456, a Maranello, and a Porsche 911 bi-turbo...and a Zonda.
Here are the facts :
- Weight-to-power ratio : the Zonda is at 2,3 kg/HP, far above all others (2,9 to 3,8 Kg/HP).
- Torque : the Zonda here again is best in class : 76,4 mkg (20% more than the best competitor)
- The Zonda is the lightest of all super-cars (10% less than the competition).
- Power : the Zonda at the top with 550 HP. For the most demanding drivers, Pagani can deliver your Zonda in "high-performance version", with even more HP...
- Acceleration: the Zonda is one full-second faster (1 Km idle start) than the best competitor. In the 0 to 100 Km/h test, the Zonda is also 5/10 faster than the best of the rest..
Conclusion : « there is no debate ...(the Zonda) has demonstrated its potential : devastating ! The Zonda is now at the top as the reference for performance."
L’abitacolo della Zonda è un
sofisticato campionario di industrial design e di artigianato ad altissimo
… i clienti devono avere la
stessa pazienza di quando ordinano un orologio Patek Philippe. Del resto la
Zonda C 12 è un Patek Philippe delle granturismo: ogni esemplare è un pezzo
unico. E il piacere di possederla inizia dall’attesa.
Auto –
Agosto 99
E’ una supercar nata dalla
passione e dall’amore per una meccanica raffinata, per l’eccellenza dei motori e
la velocità, sposata alla bellezza dello stile. La Zonda C 12 è nuova, diversa,
unica nella sua capacità di esprimere la tecnologia delle fibre di sintesi e al
tempo stesso di provocare forti emozioni per il suo disegno. Emozioni che
sorgono immediatamente quando si guarda e si sfiora con gli occhi il suo corpo
vettura. O quando si scoprono i mille dettagli ed i particolari degli interni,
vero e proprio catalogo dei materiali e delle lavorazioni del nostro migliore
Hebdo 24/2/99 – J.F. Marchet
Zonda est un acte de foi, un exercice de bravoure et, avant tout, une aventure humaine dans laquelle on retrouve une vingtaine de passionés de tous les âges, du vieux mécanicien qui en a vu d’autres au jeune loup de l’infomatique High Tech, la Zonda l’est a
partir du moment ou son châssis et ses suspensions ont fait l’objet d’un dépôt
de ving-six brevets.
Millionaire – May 2000 by
Winston Goodfellow
Underneath the Zonda’s wild-looking form is cutting-edge technology.
The Zonda’s compliant ride
and the accuracy of the steering are also astounding. The latter is ideally
weighted, adjustable for height and reach and responds the instant you touch the
wheel. On tight corners, its immediate turn-in provides real bite. Thanks to the
car’s ballerina litheness, never once do you get a sense of girth or feel any
type of bulk.
Autocapital Settembre ’99
…. Su un fatto ci si può
trovare tutti d’accordo: che tutte le parti della Zonda rappresentano quanto di
più evoluto oggi si possa trovare in una supercar.
Autosprint – 13/2000
Per descrivere la frenata c’è
una sola parola: esagerata! Basta toccare il pedale e ci si ferma subito!
Automobiles Classiques –
Juin 2000
Voilà qui, sans nuire à la
souplesse et à l’agrément en conduite tranquille, devrait donner à la Zonda S
cette faculté de mobilité furtive qu’evoque sa silhouette d’avion de chasse. Le
design circulaire des sorties d’echappement sur la face arrière grillagée est
parfaitement évocateur d’accélération comparables à la poussé provoquée par la
Journal – Novembre 1999
D’amblée je me sens à l’aise
dans un habitacle beaucoup moins confiné que celui d’autres supercars. ….
La Zonda se distingue aussi
pour la puissance de son freinage et un niveau de comfort tout à fait
acceptable, pour une voiture aussi typée.
Sept. 1999
As far as the outside world
is concerned, the Pagani Zonda story started five months ago in a quiet corner
of the Geneva Motor Show. For it was there, on a modest stand, that the Zonda C
12 made its international debut. Amazingly, few magazines paid much attention to
this fully homologated, highly innovative, exquisitely constructed and-
crucially – production ready supercar, preferring instead to be side-tracked by
absurd, parts bin concept cars from high profile manufacturers.
The Zonda melds traditional
supercar machismo with New Age smothness and sophistication.
Italian Car – Aprile-
Maggio 2000
The Zonda’s cockpit is one
of the most amazing car interiors ever created.
Gear – Sept. 1999
Driving the Zonda, even this
work-horse prototype is a sublime experience. Climbing in and out isn’t exactly
a cinch, but at least once you’re in there’s plenty of space. My sizeable frame
isn’t banging against anything, pedals aren’t too offset, the wheel and pedals
are adjustable the seat fits snugly and even without the standard tinted glass
roof it’s light and airy inside.
Parabrisas – Mayo 1999 por Guillermo Quintero
Disenado y construido por el proyectista argentino Horacio Pagani, este
prototipo inspirado por Fangio con motor Mercedes brilla en concepciòn,
seguridad y performance…
Zonda trasunta deportividad, estirpe ganadora, sencillez y nobleza.
Dream cars – Mayo 1999 "El auto màs lindo del mundo" por Angel Marco
Sigan leyendo este reportaje, entraràn en el siglo XXI al volante de un
biplaza tan exquisito como deportivo.
Mas de trescientos kilometros por hora sin ruidos ni vibraciones, el espacio interior del automovil de prestigio repleto de cuero, ante, aluminio, y como no, fibra de carbono, el estilo del automovil firmado Pagani se pone de manifiesto en un detalle olvidado por muchos de los competidores del Zonda: el espacio para equipaje.
Horacio Pagani, Geneva Motor Show, March 2003.
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